- 'have fun with it?'
- 'open it up, explore, initial response'
- 'are you looking at dog?' target audience is important, what products would they use.'
- "very good visual quality... I like the drawings"
- 'instead of playing cards, perhaps use top trumps, contain pet facts'
- "do more research into how a pet can make you more social and develop something from there."
- "I like the cat planner"
- "you've done a broad range of research, questionnaire was a good idea."
I don't think i was clear enough in the crit because i thought i mentioned who the target audience was, maybe the group meant I should focus on only dog owners.
I think the problem is, I'm not lacking ideas just what is the product to package and does this fit my concept?
I feel like I'm back at stage 1
however I have had a lot of helpful feedback! I will read and try to address all the comments made. Also try and include and develop all the positives that have been pointed out in my work.
Next step ACTION PLAN!