
Identify 3 briefs

The briefs for the collaborative brief will be taken from the YCN website. I have looked through the website and have selected...
  • the H.Samuel brief as one I would really like to work on independently. Create a campaign which challenges the perception of H. Samuel...target audience young people (around my age) tone of voice friendly, approachable and magical. Apply to three types of media, one used in store. I think this would be a good opportunity to develop my image and layout skills and maybe my new after effects skills too.

  • Feel good drinks brief for collaborative practice. I think this one would be a fun and interesting project for me a Heather to do. I also liked the Ted Baker one.

  • finally the 'Google' brief 'educate users about web browsers', is one that i don't want to do (first year flash back - 'how to create and email mailing list')